You Need to be the first offer for some leverage. That always helps.
Sometimes things happen because you work the right angles and do what you're supposed to do. Meaning... doing it the right way.
Well, my client Elizabeth and I pulled something off that was unexpected. We beat out a CASH OFFER in a multiple counter situation. We didn't over-pay and we didn't defy the appraisal Gods.. We offered MARKET PRICE', but the reason why we won didn't have anything to do with numbers...
I insisted that my client make herself available immediately for any kind of response to our original offer.
Within 10 mins of receiving the MULTIPLE COUNTER offer from the seller, we accepted. The list agent explained to me that since we responded right away, the seller liked that and went ahead and accepted.
It just goes to show you that being aggressive, smart and utilizing the experience your local real estate professional has to offer goes a long way.
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