Wire fraud is becoming a major problem in San Diego and La Mesa real estate. Since during the transaction most of the communication and document sharing is done online and via email, it has opened up La Mesa home buyers and La Mesa home seller's to a new way to be scammed.
The only thing that San Diego home buyers and home sellers have to do to combat this scam is 3 things:
If you get a request via email for Wire Transfers, Account Numbers or personal information...
1. Confirm by calling your Realtor. Find out if this was asked for. The Realtor has access to EVERYONE in the transaction.
2. Confirm by calling your lender. Your lender knows EXACTLY when they need or do not need account numbers.
3. Confirm by calling the escrow officer in charge of your transaction. If anybody is going to be discussing Wire Transfers, it will be Escrow. Call them and find out if the request was sent to you by them.
Super simple folks. Don't fall for the scam. The escrow process is stressful enough. Always talk to someone before sharing info.
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