Let's use an example of a $450,000 home purchase price:
Closing costs can vary depending on your loan program and what I can negotiate with the other side to get taken care of by the Seller. I am not using your Down-payment in this example which can be anywhere from 3.5% to 20% of purchase price.
Closing costs include:
Lender fees
Title Insurance
Escrow fees
Home Inspections
Impounds (depending on your loan)
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Some of these items can be negotiated. For example, typically the escrow fees are split by buyer and seller 50/50 and I can get the seller to pay for Title Insurance, though there is still some buyer side title insurance you will need to take care of yourself.
All in All, at $450,000 purchase price your are looking at around
For a broken down explanation of these costs, please contact me for a NO OBLIGATION consultation concerning the process.