La Mesa, Mount Helix and San Diego real estate home buyers out there are finding that there is a ton of competition for a great La Mesa property. Here's a trick to get your offer accepted ahead of the multiple offers. Expert La Mesa Realtor Chris Melingonis and La Mesa Home Source discuss the mind frame you need to be in to be successful.
When a La Mesa home seller looks at all the offers they have on their home, it all comes down to price. That's obvious. They want the most money for their home. What La Mesa home buyers have to understand is that you CAN'T ----buy a home for more than the bank's appraiser says it's worth----. No matter what you are in contract for.
If you and your La Mesa and Mount Helix Realtor feel that a property is worth $500k and you are in a multiple offer situation, offer whatever it takes to get into escrow with the seller. Even if that number is well above what you feel it's worth. BE THE OFFER THE SELLERS DEAL WITH! Once you are in escrow, the property is yours to negotiate for. They can't deal with anyone else. Now you have 17 days to start the real negotiations. If the appraisal comes back lower than what you offered, you go back to the seller and say, "We tried to give you what you want, but it's just not worth that number". "See, here is the bank's professional appraisal."
Now the seller has to decide if they will bring the price down to the appraised number, or roll the dice with another La Mesa home buyer. With another buyer, the appraisal can come back the same as yours. Now the seller has to disclose your appraisal to the next buyer. Why would they go through all that. They won't, because the list agent should talk some sense into them.
The danger to all this is.... if the La Mesa home seller does not want to come down in price, you have to cancel the deal, you just spent $500 for your appraisal. So, try to get a sense of what kind of people the La Mesa home sellers are.
In short...... do whatever it takes to be the offer the seller chooses and then start the REAL negotiations. Make it so that the seller can only talk to YOU moving forward.