Whenever I work with buyers, one of the first things I have them do before we go out and look at homes for sale in La Mesa is to create their LIST OF TOP TEN THINGS THEY NEED IN A HOME.
Why? It's simple. It gets them to focus on what is truly important to them and which things are gravy on top of the transaction.
Look.... buying a home for sale in La Mesa is stressful enough, so if I can get them focused on looking for the real important things while walking through a home in La Mesa or Mount Helix, I'm doing my job.
Check out my video tutorial on 3 Tips To Take The Stress Out Of Escrow.
Buyers tend to steer toward the negative aspects of each house they look at instead of searching for what they need.

When they are looking intently, something else tends to happen..... items drop out of the list and are replaced with others. Sometimes people have to see something over and over again to realize it is important to them and other things are not. They learn that they really didn't need a home with ONLY plantation shutters and that nice window treatments are fine.
And here is the final Rule Of Thumb when searching homes for sale in La Mesa..... If you come across a home for sale and it has any 6 of the 10 features on your list...? WRITE AN OFFER! You won't find 10 out of 10...